
Eye Flashes & Floaters Symptoms & Treatment

Eye flashes & floaters in children and adults.

Eye flashes & floaters in children and adults

Flashes & floaters are presented in your vision as:
  • Dark and/or clear spots and lines
  • Small spots of flashing lights
Eye flashes & floaters can be monitored with regular eye checks and the appearance of flashes and floaters in your vision is usually nothing to be concerned about.
Flashes & floaters indicate that there is a change in the vitreous gel in the back of your eye.
If you have short-sightedness (myopia), you may experience flashes & floaters earlier in life.
For people over the age of 50, eye flashes & floaters may indicate early signs of a retinal tear or detachment. Retinal tears and detachments happen when the retina in the back of the eye becomes loose and may suggest a more serious eye condition such as macular degeneration. 
15-minute free consultation with our expert.

Diagnosis, treatment & management for eye flashes & floaters

We offer a private consultation with our ophthalmologist to check the health of your eye and provide a diagnosis of any eye conditions you may have, including floater treatment advice and surgery planning if required.
Although you may experience eye floaters and flashes of light, it is rare to be given a diagnosis for an eye condition as these floaters are generally nothing to worry about in early adulthood.
For people over the age of 50, flashes & floaters may indicate early signs of more serious eye conditions. If you are over the age of 50 and experiencing eye flashes & floaters, please contact our support team for a private consultation with our ophthalmologist.

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What is included in my
private consultation?

A private consultation with our ophthalmologist is £300. This excludes any scans required.
This includes:
  • A comprehensive consultation with your dedicated ophthalmologist (exclusive of eye scans).
  • A medical diagnosis of your eye condition with treatment planning.
  • A referral for surgical treatment and/or a signed prescription (if required).
  • A dedicated eye care team to support you throughout your eye care journey.

Retinal detachments

Flashes & floaters may indicate signs of retinal detachments:
  • Dark floaters affecting your vision
  • Sudden blurry and/or distorted vision
  • Flashes of light in one or both eyes ( known as ‘photopsia’)
  • Shadows over your field of vision

Friendly vision correction treatment for dry eyes

If you are experiencing dry eye symptoms and have difficulty with short sightedness or near sightedness (a refractive error in your eye), we offer vision correction treatment options which can eliminate the need for wearing glasses and/or uncomfortable contact lenses.

Implantable Contact Lenses are a friendly vision correction treatment which helps dry eye syndrome. To regain clear, natural eyesight without needing your glasses and contact lenses we can offer you a FREE suitability check for our implantable contact lenses.

A better quality of life is just around the corner!